through valley river Krka

my lovely part of our country, Lower Carniola

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

new york II.

1. The first European, who visit the area of New York was Giovanni da Verrazano. He was an Italian navigator in the service of France who landed in 1524.

2. The area had been inhabited by The Algonquian and the Iroquois groups

3.The New York river is Hudson River. The river was named after Henry Hudson. The English navigator famous for four great voyages.

4. The two original names of New York were New Amsterdam and York Amsterdam.

5. In New York lived 33,000 people, when George Washington became president.

6. The Brooklyn bridge opened on 24. May in 1883.

7. The first skyscrapers were built in Chicago -The Flatiron Building and in New York in 1902.

8. The first African American mayor of New York was David Dinkins.


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